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Celma Elizabeth Menezes (Founding Executive Director)


Celma Elizabeth Menezes – the Founder of Fanelo Ya Mina - is one of the most influential rising African young women. Her inspiring presence reflects her power, optimism and energy. Her philanthropic spirit and humanitarian work has led her to mingle with some of the most influential individuals in the political, business and non-profit sectors.


Celma is a voice of Gender Equality and Human Rights of her country/continent (Mozambique andAfrica) and fights to ensure that hidden voices are heard; as well as equal rights for women are promoted.


Celma has already given her support and voice to worthy causes dedicated to ending GBV, HIV and AIDS, and gender inequality. She also supports UN agencies bringing change to African countries, and has participated in high-level meetings including those organized by the UNFPA, UN Women, Graça Machel Trust, Sonke Gender Justice, MenEngage Alliance and Promundo.  


Throughout the length of her 12 year career which includes consultancy and working for civil society and private enterprise, Celma dealt with various portfolios and held senior positions such as: Country Coordinator of CEP (Corridor of Empowerment Project) – leading mobile clinics project among freight industry in Mozambique (2012); Country Director of CareWorks -managing Wellness and HIV/AIDS portfolios in workplaces and treating HIV-positive people on behalf of employers and medical insurers (2011); Senior Consultant for FHI 360 º playing a key role in conducting rapid/initial site assessment as part of HIV/AIDS "ROADS/Estradas" project (2010).


In addition, Celma had been the first Mozambican to pilot/manage men involvement approaches in Mozambique. In this capacity she served as the Country Director of Engender Health/ Promundo (2008-2009) - leading countrywide USAID's supported project, Male Norms Initiative (MNI) whose objective was to strengthen the capacity of Government and PEPFAR partners by mainstreaming gender and men involvement perspective into HIV programs.


Celma’s ground breaking work on engaging men and boys for GE has demonstrated impact on bringing gender perspective to local partners programming. In that capacity: she played the leading role in designing training curriculums and conducting training sessions (TOT) partner's organizations throughout Mozambique; she developed BCC/IEC package materials addressing key drivers and male norms that lead to HIV; delivered tailored technical assistance to in-country partners on various issues; helped catalyzing the establishment of national advocacy network (the Men Engage Network). In her earlier career days, Celma worked for renowned FDC (Community Development Foundation) for a period of 3 years.


Moreover, Celma possesses an academic background which encompasses: 5 year training in Medicine; Honours degree in Public Health and Master degree in Gender, Women’s Empowerment and Leadership of Development projects.


Edgar Bernado (Project Officer)


Edgar Manuel Bernardo, nasceu em 05 de Junho de 1990, é licenciado em Sociologia pela Universidade Eduardo Mondlane e é membro fundador e ex-coordenador do Movimento Universitário para a Promoção da Igualdade de Género e Direitos Humanos (MUPIGEDH). É actualmente associado de programa do Instituto Fanelo Ya Mina. E está no mesmo como forma de dar continuidade ao seu compromisso de lutar pela igualdade de género e principalmente pela abordagem que a Fanelo Ya Mina fornece, que consiste no envolvimento de homens na luta pela mudança.


Tem como principais áreas de interesse, Género e HIV/SIDA, Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva e Planeamento familiar e participação política em particular da mulher. Teve diversas formações na área de género, das quais a formação em Género, Saúde e Direitos Humanos pelo Programa Desafio em Parceria com o Conselho das Universidades Flamengas, Bélgica e a Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo.


Foi também estagiário do Grupo de Pesquisa, Saúde e Sociedade (GPSS) do departamento de Sociologia da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, de onde participou nas pesquisas sobre “Mulher e pobreza” no Bairro Luís Cabral; “Prostituição e os Riscos de Contaminação de HIV” em Maputo; com o financiamento do PNUD sob direcção do Grupo de Pesquisa, Saúde e Sociedade do Departamento de Sociologia”. Participou também na recolha de dados (entrevistas e inquéritos) sobre Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva: Necessidades, Desafios e Oportunidades Para Adolescentes vivendo com HIV na África Austral, organizada pela SAT em Parceria com a Dignitas, a International HIV/AIDS Alliance e a Network of African People Living with HIV e foi assistente na recolha de dados da pesquisa sobre “Discurso Plurais em torno do Planeamento Familiar” financiado pelo Programa Desafio sob direcção da Dra Rehana Capurchande (Docente da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane).

Our Team/ Nossa Equipe

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